Product Update Webinar | December 2023

December 2023

Discover the latest enhancements to the RecordPoint Platform, including insights into typical rates of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in organizations, record disposal improvements, and the latest features for seamless integration with Microsoft.

About this update

Get up to date with the latest enhancements to the RecordPoint Data Trust Platform. This update will include:

  • A deeper dive into privacy signal benchmarks to assist with your own risk mitigation.
  • Streamlining record disposal for faster, more convenient processing.
  • The latest features to aid in using Microsoft and RecordPoint together to reduce risk and maintain compliance.
  • Recent user interface enhancements.

Our team

Belinda Walsh
Belinda Walsh
Product Marketing
Simon Thompson
Simon Thompson
Senior Product Manager
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This is some text inside of a div block.